Sunday, May 19, 2013

Cumbia, Poder y Porro: Trino de Cumbia en la Nieve

Cumbia, Poder y Porro: Trino de Cumbia en la Nieve

La Mancha (The Stain)

En la esquina y en el bus...lo saben
Lo comentan los medios sociales
el 'feizbuk' y el 'tuiter' están llenos
todos saben de tus actos poco buenos

Tus amigos están en la cárcel
tus compinches son investigados
cada día se descubren nuevas cosas
y son cosas bastante vergonzosas

Y te lavas las manos, pero queda la mancha
te defiendes cuál gato boca arriba
Y te lavas las manos, pero queda la mancha
la semilla de la paz quieres matar!

En la esquina y en el bus...lo saben
Lo comentan los medios sociales
cada día se descubren nuevas cosas
y son cosas bastante vergonzosas

Y te lavas las manos, pero queda la mancha
te defiendes cuál gato boca arriba
Y te lavas las manos, pero queda la mancha
la semilla de la paz quieres matar!

Y te lavas las manos, pero queda la mancha
la semilla de la paz no matarás!
Y te lavas las manos, pero queda la mancha
la semilla de la paz no matarás!

la semilla de la paz no matarás!
la semilla de la paz no matarás!


In the street corner and on the bus ... people know about it
It is discussed in the social media
Facebook and Twitter are full of it
everyone knows about your not very good actions

Your friends are in jail (in jail!!)
your buddies are investigated (and accused!)
every day new things are discovered
and these are quite shameful things

And you wash your hands, but the stain remains
And you defend yourself as an upside down cat
And yo wash your hands, but the stain remains
the seed of peace you want to kill!

do not stop ---- investigate!
do not be afraid ---- go and denounce!
do not lie ---- (uribe's voice: "make no mistake with me, I am absolutely honest")

do stop ---- clogging
do not plant the seeds of ---- discord
stop ---- your interference
do not poison! (uribe's voice: "these peace agreements are risky for Colombia")

In the street corner and on the bus ... people know about it
It is discussed in the social media
every day new things are discovered
and these are quite shameful things

And you wash your hands, but the stain remains
And you defend yourself as an upside down cat
And you wash your hands, but the stain remains
the seed of peace you want to kill!

And wash your hands, but the stain remains
the seed of peace you shall not kill!
And wash your hands, but the stain remains
the seed of peace you shall not kill!

the seed of peace you shall not kill!
the seed of peace you shall not kill!